Legal notice

1 - Identification

The platform of the heritage collections is published and owned by the Sorbonne University  Library.

This site is subject to French and international legislation on copyright and intellectual property.



SorbonNum is published by the Library of Sorbonne University.

SIRET NUMBER : 13002338500011

Sorbonne University Library

Place Jussieu - Zamansky Tower

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2 - Publication management

Director of publication : Nathalie Drach Temam, President of Sorbonne University

Editorial Manager : Amélie Church et Rémi Gaillard, Codirectors of the Sorbonne University Library



3 - Hosting of the site

SorbonNum was created by the company Arkhênum, distributor of the Limb Gallery software, edited by the i2s company.


7 rue Joseph Bonnet

33100 Bordeaux



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  • Email address
  • User name


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In accordance with the law n°78-17 of 6 January, 1978 modified in 2004 relating to data processing, files and freedoms, you can withdraw your consent to the processing of your data at any time; You can also oppose the processing of your data, rectify it, request its deletion or exercise your right to limit the processing of your data.


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5 - Use of cookies

SorbonNum carries out audience measurements for statistical purposes. The site uses Matomo, in accordance with the recommendations of the ANSSI. The data collected is fully anonymised.

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6 - Entry requirements

The images are distributed under the Etalab licence: they can therefore be freely reused, in the public or private sphere, for commercial or non-commercial purposes.

On the other hand, in respect of the author's moral rights, the user is obliged to cite the bibliographic reference of the document.

The permanent link to its record in SorbonNum, together with its provenance (Sorbonne University Library) may also be added. The attribution of images will allow other visitors to explore and use the SorbonNum collections.

The Sorbonne University Library invites each user to inform publications using the images and contents of its digitised collections. In this way, you contribute to the policy of opening up public data led by Sorbonne University , in the framework of open science.


To obtain high-resolution files, a link to a request form is provided in each document record.

Sorbonne University does not provide reproductions of the contents of its digital library in paper format.


All the texts on this site are also placed under the Etalab licence and are therefore freely reusable.